Rate goods & services

Scan QR-codes, give your feedback on everything around,
change the world with one click.
Rate is a comprehensive rating system that allows users to evaluate a wide range of objects, products, services, and employee performance.

Users earn points for each piece of feedback they provide. The more feedback, the more points they accumulate, leading to exclusive bonuses.

Companies can easily gather customer insights by placing QR codes on any object or service they wish to evaluate, helping them refine their offerings more effectively.
For whom
Scan QR codes, leave reviews on products, services, or employee performance, earn points, and get bonuses!
Rate gives companies the opportunity to get instant feedback on any object, product/service, or employee performance, and strengthen their connection with customers. Place a QR code on any object/service, and your customers can leave feedback.
Rate allows employees to receive feedback on the quality of their work and identify new areas for growth and development.
We work with love
Our primary focus is on delivering quality and value to our customers.We like what we do.
Each member of our team has at least 5 years of experience.
Individual Approach
We create proposals based on the individual needs of the client to enhance the efficiency and profitability of the company
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us during the weekends and at night.
This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
We care about our clients' time. Give us a call, and we will help you with all the questions.
For users: start using for free
Rate:platform is available for free on the App Store.
Start your feedback journey today!
Our Prices for the Companies
Our monthly memberships will be the best value for your money and offer some additional benefits
  • Access to all functionality
  • Up to 20 objects/employees to evaluate
Join now
  • Access to all functionality
  • Up to 100 objects/employees to evaluate
$50 / month
Join now
  • Access to all functionality
  • 100+ objects/employees to evaluate
$150 / month
Join now
Please contact us for any additional information
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Please contact us
+7 705 806 75 22
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